We can all openly admit that looking good can go a long way in today’s world. We live surrounded by perfection, by models of beauty that are, in most of the cases, unattainable. Perfection usually comes with a surgeon and a knife on the package and it is further retouched by professionals who get paid good money to edit photos. How can one attain what is not even real then?
The so-called seriously good looking criminal we’ve all come to be familiar with seems to be the epitome of the rise of an era where looks matter more than anything. As a matter of fact, it will all seem crazy to someone who is not even familiar with the topic, but his man’s story is as true as it gets.
A couple of months ago, the Internet went absolutely mad over the mug shot of a man. If you don’t know this already, they did not go crazy over the atrocities of his crimes (read about Criminal law here) or over the fact that there was something deeply disturbing about him, but over the fact that he…looked good.
Indeed, Jeremy Meeks had been convicted for crimes related to his gang, but when people started to share his picture online, an entire story torn out of Hollywood movies began developing right in front of the mothers, fathers and children of the world.
Jeremy Meeks is more than a criminal – he is a good looking one. Sharp cheekbones, bright blue eyes and a set of tattoos that are not so much related to fashion but to his belonging to a criminal gang – these appear to be the prerequisites a man has to meet if he wants to avoid prison. Meeks did it – why couldn’t every single good looking criminal out there do it?
Many of the Internet enthusiasts saw nothing wrong with the promotion this man got. But it all degenerated into him getting away unpunished and, even more, to him being actually rewarded. After having stirred such a wave of sympathy, emotion and positive responses, Jeremy was offered a modelling contract with a big agency.
The punch line?
If you are a good looking, gorgeous-eyed guy, you can have it all. You can have a past with a criminal record that would make bad guys in the movies jealous. You can walk around with illegal weapons in your pocket. You can get to prison for all these things, but only to make yourself more famous than people who are struggling years and years to actually reach those peaks of success. And, eventually, you might even get to sign a $30,000 modelling contract, you get away with it all, you start building a decent career, you attract fans and praises and you are not even seen as a criminal.
Is our society’s fault for this guy? Most probably, yes. If looks got Jeremy Meeks out of trouble and unpunished for his deeds, then maybe the next serial killer who fashions ripped abs will get away as easily too.