Venturing into the world of freelance work can prove highly lucrative if you have built up a network of contacts to provide you with a steady stream of regular business.
But how best to ensure those relationships flourish by offering the best possible service? You’ll need to guarantee your toolkit is up to scratch, all the while making sure you remain within the bounds of your careful budget plan.
Here are a few handy tips on how you can do exactly that.

Be on the lookout for bargains
We all love a good bargain. No one can deny that there’s something very satisfying about picking up that pair of shoes for 50% of the original price or buying that flat screen television at a fraction of the cost in the Black Friday sales. And there’s no reason why this can’t apply to your professional life as well as your personal.
If you’re in the market for an upgrade or that piece of equipment that will help take your business to the next level, you may not need to pay above the odds for it.
Deals can always be found if you know where to look and scouring the likes of eBay for the desired items at a reduced cost can make you a significant saving and increase margins while improving the quality of your product.
Network with your fellow freelancers
According to the Office for National Statistics, there were 4.8million self-employed people in the UK as of 2017 — an increase from 3.3million around the turn of the century.
Not all of these will class themselves as freelancers, of course, but there is still a sizeable chunk of the country’s workforce in a similar boat to yourself, so don’t be afraid to use that common ground and tap into that resource to help you on your way.
If you’re in need of a new piece of kit to aid your next project, ask around the freelance fraternity for guidance on where you should be looking.
Get your priorities in order
Should there be a vast array of items on your shopping list, you may not be in a position to go out and buy all of them at once.
In that case, it’s worth seeking out the high-priority items first and working your way down the list from there. That way, you should be able to maintain productivity to the best of your ability, while your spending will be carefully spread out so as not to impact your finances too heavily.