Desperate to fix your finances? Wondering how you’re going to meet your saving goals? We can help. This list includes some out-of the-box ideas for saving some serious money so you can get your finances sorted. Ready? Let’s get started.
Morality aside, there’s a reason why escorting is the world’s oldest profession. Obviously this will depend on your level of comfort, but you can make some serious money escorting. Check out for more information.
While you may assume you need an entire apartment or house, you can easily rent out an extra bedroom on Airbnb. Depending on where you live and how close you are to major attractions, you could be able to make some serious money during the high season. By renting out a room on the weekends, you can easily have half (or more) of your rent paid without needing a full-time roommate.
Sell up
Need cash fast? You’ll be amazed at how much you can get for items left lying around the house. Still got textbooks from university? Pass them on to a desperate student and clear some space on your bookshelf. Even your old mobile phones or last generation iPods are worth cash, so use the one year rule: If you know you haven’t used a certain item within one year, it’s time for it to go.
If you’re the type who likes to check out garage or yard sales, you can easily turn this into a nice little side hustle. You’d be surprised at how much profit you can make by buying locally and then listing it online. You can even check out how much an item is going for online right before you want to make an offer to see what your margin would be.
If you have some skill and a lot of patience, you can easily teach others those skills. Parents with kids of all ages are always looking for tutors for their children. And adults are always willing to learn as well. Speak another language? Set up Skype lessons. Love to cook? Offer to visit someone’s kitchen and pass on your skills.
Use your hobbies
Love to knit, sew, make jewellery, or anything else creative? Why not open your own online store? Sites like Etsy make this easy, and you can list your products and prices within a few minutes. You may end up able to quit your day job.