There are more than thousands of CeFi cryptocurrencies available today in the global market today. While cryptocurrencies are still quite a few years away from being used as legal tender, they can be excellent investment tools as they offer greater returns compared to other types of investments. To safely buy, sell, trade or even store crypto assets, you need to head to Swyftx, or a similar trading platform.
A crypto exchange, in simple terms, acts as an entry point to invest your money in buying crypto. It also acts as an exit point while selling crypto and thus enables the cryptocurrency trade.
Additionally, they connect people who need to buy with those who want to sell. Exchanges play a significant role in converting everyday money into digital coins. A top exchange platform will make it more effortless for you to buy and trade currencies with zero hidden costs.
Therefore, it becomes paramount to understand a few aspects to expect from an established crypto exchange company.
Legitimacy and Transparency
A respected company would provide all the legitimate particulars for the users to access. Importantly, they will have a physical address and a contact number for customer support.
Being transparent with all the details builds a sense of clarity and trust in the exchange company.
Higher Security Features
Apart from being a solid platform, it will also have multiple security features to safeguard your wallet.
A responsible exchange company will have various security checklists for creating an account. Additionally, a good exchange will offer you a cold wallet that lets you secure a large portion of your digital assets.
‘Cold wallet storage’ refers to an offline storage service provided by top exchanges across nations.
Fee Structure
Each exchange is different from the other due to the fees that they charge for your transactions. The amount levied may depend on the size of your transactions and the level of activity on the crypto network.
However, the best exchanges are transparent and honest about their fees for any transactions. They will be specific with any upfront costs and charges you are accountable to pay. You can rest assured that there will be no hidden charges.
Furthermore, few top exchange platforms even reward their high-volume traders with relatively lower fees.
Modes of Payment
Top exchanges will have more than one mode of payment available for their users. It enables the traders to pay for any transaction seamlessly. These exchanges will let you use online wallets, your debit/credit card, or even do direct transfers from your bank account.
Selection of Coins
The best crypto exchanges will offer a wide selection of coins instead of only a few. The availability of a wide selection helps maximises the chance of profit for traders and investors. It is also an excellent option for those who want to diversify their crypto portfolios.
Mobile App Features
Most of the top exchange platforms offer an app that helps investors get access from anywhere. You must make sure the app is well designed and easy to use. These are signs that the company has invested a significant amount on the app.
Any company that spends money to make the customer’s experience better is trustworthy.