Deciding whether or not to go global is one of the most important strategic decisions that your business can make. After all, you don’t want to make the step before you can handle it, but you also don’t want to miss out on potential revenue. So, if you decide to take the plunge and begin to trade internationally, what do you need to know? Here are the top three things…
#1 Understand Your Delivery Times
There’s nothing more frustrating for a customer than being promised an item by a specific date and then not receiving it.
While your parcels stay in the UK, you have a tighter control over delivery times. Next day and same day delivery options are often commonplace, and even economy services do not take long to travel from one end of the country.
However, if you ship to the continent as well, the delivery network needs to be much greater, delays take longer and planes and ships are needed, too. So, before you publicise your delivery times, ensure you know the network involved and the delivery times closely.
#2 Know the Rules and Regulations
Secondly, remember that different countries have different import and export restrictions, as well as VAT rules and regulations.
It’s vital that you understand these before you begin shipping your goods because, if you’re found to be in violation of any of these laws, then you could potentially be hit with some very large fines.
If you’re in doubt of what you can or cannot send to a country, then the .GOV site can help you. Most EU countries have the same rules, but there are sometimes subtle differences, so always look closely.
#3 Pick a Courier with Experience
Due to #1 and #2, you need to use a courier service that can help you. If you’re shipping to mainland Spain for instance, it’s only right that you use a specialist, such as Parcels2Go. Your current delivery company and courier service may have been good for your UK deliveries, but you have to ask yourself: do they know continental rules, regulations and road networks? If not, it’s unlikely they can help you. The most specialist the help you get, the more chance you have of your parcels arriving safely and on time.
To conclude, going global is a big business decision, but you can definitely make a success of it. Take these three tips on board and you should have no problem.