For a few months now, we have watched several of the major global commodities and currencies undergo huge volatile changes. The price of Oil has crashed down and is now starting to bubble back up, the GBP was obliterated thanks to talk of a ‘Brexit’ and Bitcoin has actually becoming serious investment opportunity instead of just a means to purchase illegal items. With that in mind, we thought it was time to educate the masses on just what this could mean if applied correctly – in the Trading or Spread Betting markets.
While some of the aforementioned changes above have been great for the public, such as Oil’s crash leading to cheaper household bills and car refuelling costs, there is a lot more profitability waiting for someone astute enough to take it. Following on from our piece a few years back about financial trading, we acknowledge that it isn’t for everyone but with recent updates such as stop losses to guarantee you never lose more than you can afford and with the opening of several new markets, it has never been easier to get involved. So let’s look at a few of the obvious ones:
1) Oil – With Oil prices currently around the $37-$38 range and having fallen under $30 several times already, this is a great starting investment. With the US rate rise rumoured to come soon, OPEC having regular talks and with the existing oversupply starting to reduce, this may be worth looking at as a long-term buy
2) Gold – Having begun the year circa $1060, it is now sitting around the $1235 mark and has sat steady for some time now. With the commodity linked closely to the Dollar and the currency likely to be affected by any rate rise from the FED, this will likely increase in value before it dips down when the currency re-settles. A short-term buy could spell big profits if placed at the right time.
3) Currency – With the ‘Brexit’ vote looming, the GBP has struggled to regain its’ footing against other global currencies. The FED rise could create a huge volatility in the market between the GBP/USD and intraday trading would be perfect for huge win opportunities.
4) Crypto-currencies – Whenever there is uncertainty or volatility in the markets, e-currencies tend to flourish as they offer a safer investment environment. With the price currently around $420-$425 per BTC, the upcoming market changes are likely to boost this even further and offer a great investment opportunity if you have a place to buy them or are able to find a site like City Index which offers the trade on it.
While there are no doubt a ton of other markets for you to look into, we thought we’d invite you to suggest some of your own potential favourites or recommend alternative investments for others to look at.