Many times, young men and women get married right out of college, even before securing a job with a future or going on to grad school. They are young and in love and while this might seem like a great thing to do at the time, it could also be an unwise decision because in the real world they just aren’t prepared to earn a wage large enough to support a household and certainly haven’t left themselves enough time and resources to go on for that advanced degree. If you are trying to raise a family while going to school, here are a few life hacks that should really help along the way.
Married Couples: Take Turns at Studying
If you both need to complete a higher education, there will be time for both of you to do it but you really should take turns studying. Why not let one parent go to school while the other continues to work? If both incomes are needed, then the parent going to school could either study part time or complete their degree program online. For example, the wife who is an RN from a two year program could always take an online RN to BSN degree program which will enable her to work and study because she could do her nursing studies from home on her time off while with the kids.
For Single Parent Families – Enlist the Aid of Friends and Family
Single parent families have it the hardest because they are trying to do everything by themselves. Whether you have ever been married or never been married, the end result seems to be the same. You simply don’t have the help you need to get everything done. How can you work fulltime, study for an online RN program and still have enough time and energy to complete your course? It just might be that you have a close enough friend or family member to take the kids a couple evenings a week allowing you time to focus on your studies. If not, try to make a schedule where you can have an hour or two of uninterrupted time each night and several hours a day on weekends.
Look for Financing to Facilitate Working Fewer Hours
If you are taking an online accelerated nursing program, the fact is there will not be enough hours in the day to do all that you need to get done. Financing may be your best option. There are a number of grants out there that will subsidize your income so that you can work less and study more. The key is to be able to focus on your school work without the constant frustration of being unable to make ends meet. If you are in a financial bind, you will not have the strength or energy to do well on the job, at your studies or even as a parent. Money can be the root of all evil if you don’t have enough.
The best life hack for raising a family while in school is to plan well in advance. Take the time to determine if studying online is your best option and if so, how to juggle your time so that you don’t neglect the kids while studying from home but with enough time to complete your courses. From student loans to government grants, find financial help wherever possible so that you will not need to work as many hours. It’s all about planning and once you’ve charted a course, it can be done.