If you live in the modern world, chances are you’re not getting enough vitamins and minerals. Lots of people are turning to supplements to help them meet their daily requirements and while there are a number of benefits to supplements, the truth is they’re not a substitute for getting essential vitamins and minerals naturally. There are lots of reasons why people are becoming deficient, including:
* the increase in processed foods that have low quantities of vitamins and nutrients
* people choosing to have takeaway foods instead of home cooked meals
* the length of time from harvesting of fruit and vegetables to getting to the dinner table has increased
* the number of chemicals involved in the growing, harvesting and storing of real foods
All of these things are contributing to a decrease in the quality of the foods that we’re consuming. When you consider we’re also eating less fruits and vegetables than generations before us, it’s no wonder we, as whole, are suffering from so many health aliments.
So what about juicing? Juicing is a great way to extract a large proportion of the nutrients and vitamins from fruits, vegetables and herbs. As you’re disregarding the fibre, you can get a lot more natural products into your system before you will feel full. You can cram handfuls of fruit and vegetables into one glass of fresh juice. Here are some of the benefits of adding juicing into your daily diet:
1) You’ll get a quick burst of energy from the easily processed juice
Most of us are guilty of not chewing our food enough, swallowing before we should and moving onto the next mouthful. As the food is not broken down into small pieces, it is quite challenging for our digestive system to do its job. This means that it takes longer for food to be broken down and can be quite inefficient. With juice being in a liquid form, everything’s broken down into tiny pieces and ready to be easily absorbed.
2) You can cram a lot into a glass
You can literally fit bunches of fruit into a glass of fruit juice. This is a really efficient way of ensuring you get a bunch of vitamins and minerals without making yourself too full. Many people fail to get their 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables simply becase they can’t fit or make time to consume that many. A large glass of juice can easily hit your daily requirements.
3) You’ll be enjoying things raw
Cooking food degrades the nutrients and vitamins found naturally. The more food you consume raw, the better. Drinking the juice of raw fruit and vegetables is a great way to get your daily fix of raw, unprocessed foods.
If you’re lacking energy, concerned about your health, suffering from dull skin or unclear eyes, start implementing juice into your diet and enjoy the benefits.