Plants are responsible for helping us out, without them we simply wouldn’t survive. Plants convert CO2 into O2, which is essential to our own survival. As we’ve moved inside, we’ve moved even further away from nature. Most of us have a few plants here and there, but not enough to ensure there’s ample O2 floating around our homes. Plants actually increase productivity and can reduce stress, so why wouldn’t you want them around?
Here are some reasons of why you need more plants:
Breathing Easier
Plants are basically the opposite of people. We breathe in oxygen and breathe out CO2, as mentioned above, the plants do the opposite. They basically convert all of our dirty CO2 into exactly what we need to breathe. Adding pants to your home will increase oxygen and increase the quality of the air you’re breathing.
Sharpening Focus
Numerous studies have shown that having plants in a classroom increases focus by 70%. If you could put a plant or two in your office or home environment and increase your focus this dramatically, why wouldn’t you? If you have kids, why not put a plant in their bedroom to increase their focus when they’re chipping away at homework after school.
Improving Health
Adding plants to a room helps speed the recovery of surgical patients according to some studies. Who knows whether it’s because of the elevated oxygen levels in the room, the joy of having a living thing in the room or having something to brighten the room up. Interestingly, patients with plants in their rooms did not request as much pain relief.
Improving Mood
According to a popular men’s magazine, if you spend a moment each day touching a plant, then you’ll be significantly less likely to suffer from depression. In this day and age where a good portion of our population is suffering from high levels of stress and depression, reducing it naturally with the inclusion of a few plants around the house can be a great way to improve your health, mood and productivity.