Most of us need to eat more whole, quality fruits and vegetables. Many of us are guilty of living a high convenience lifestyle, with takeaways, television meals and lots of processed foods. Even if your diet is pretty good, you could probably add in a few things to improve your health and quality of life. Super foods are foods that contain high numbers of anti oxidants, nutrients and minerals. We’ve compiled a list of the best of the best, so check them out and add them into your diet where possible:
1) Tomatoes
Not only are tomatoes delicious, they’re one of the best super foods out there. Something that you probably wouldn’t expect is that tomatoes have a negative correlation with depression, that is people who consume tomatoes two to six times per week are significantly less likely to suffer from depression – a whopping 46% less likely. Scientists believe that the antioxidant called lypocene might be responsible for the decrease in depression. If that wasn’t enough to make you want to eat tomatoes every second meal, they also help decrease the rate of a number of cancers.
2) Blueberries
Blueberries are crammed fill of antioxidants that help to lower your risk of heart disease. In addition, it is believed that blueberries have the power to lower cholesterol, ensuring that you’re feeling your best. Blueberries are also very versatile as you can enjoy them in smoothies, as a snack, with dessert or even in a healthy juice.
3) Salmon
If you’re looking to lose weight or at least manage your weight, then Salmon can be a great help for you. Jam packed with protein, Salmon helps you feel satisfied which is really important if you’re focusing on weight management. In addition to that, Salmon is packed with lots of Omega-3 fatty acids which are important for brain function, skin and general health.
4) Quinoa
Often cited as a supergrain, quinoa has a high rate of protein, contains all nine essential animo acids and is considered to be a whole protein source which is unusual for a grain based product. Quinoa helps promote health digestion, all while fuelling your workouts and energy levels throughout the day.
5) Goji Berries
Unlike other fruits, goji berries also contain all of the essential animo acids and have the highest content of protein out of all the fruit. In addition to that, goji berries also contain anti inflammatory, anti bacterial and anti fungal properties. On top of all of these benefits, goji berries also help boost the immune system.
If you want to improve your health, energy and your general well being then start adding these top five super foods to your diet and enjoy the results.