When you decide to have a party, coming up with unique theme ideas can be tricky. They have either been done, are boringly commonplace, or they tip over into the risk of giving offence or being accused of appropriation. Here are some fun and quirky themes that are vibrant and exciting, and that should not offend any sensibly minded person as long as the invites and dressing-up instructions are carefully worded!
Bollywood Glamor
Bollywood is, of course, India’s thriving movie scene and it produces a fantastic array of love stories, adventures, thrillers and much more, all avidly watched by the Indian population, diaspora and fans from every nation. Pay homage to Bollywood by picking your favorite movie or film stars and theming your party around that, embracing the beautiful clothing and intricate make-up, and wonderful array of jewelry that make the characters so instantly appealing and recognizable on or off the silver screen.
Gender Bending Rocky Horror Burlesque
Theme your party around burlesque and tell the boys to get in touch with their inner woman, while the girls can man up: but only if they want to, of course! Play the music from the Rocky Horror Picture Show, and let everyone change up their look for a unique and memorable party that will be talked about for years! It’s just a step to left!
School Days
Recall your school days by getting everyone to dress in uniform – and even provide the school bus to transport you about in the form of a party bus. No one will be shooting spitballs or throwing paper planes in this luxurious interior though, party buses are the last word in comfortable travel, with seating for up to fifty, a small VIP area – for the cool kids, of course! – and even some catering facilities such as a small on-site bar. Bergen Limo Party Bus rental is less than you might think, you get a lot for your money, and your old classmates will have a blast reliving their high-school heyday!
80s Retro 70s Disco
Big hair, bigger shoulder-pads and sharp, collarless jackets with the sleeves rolled to the elbow are the order of the 80s day. Unless your taste runs more to gold lame jumpsuits, more sequins than Elvis would know what to do with, and psychedelia in color schemes, in which case go full funky 70s disco for your party theme. There is a lot of interest in the late 60s, 70s and 80s, as that was a time when people experimented with fashion, make-up and image, when alternative lifestyles merged seamlessly with the mainstream and the music was fresh, memorable and captured the zeitgeist!
Whichever theme you choose, your guests are sure to have a great time, allowing their real selves to be briefly subsumed into their new one-night-only personas! And you will end up with a wonderful reputation as a host of fantastical, fun parties – and who could ask for more than that?