Who else feels like 2021 is their time to shine? The past year has been all about isolation and hibernation, with lockdown measures and no real reason for fashionable clothing or accessories. Now, though, we’re all poking our heads out of our hovels and beginning to have some fun again. With fun comes funky—clothes, that is. So, which styles are all the rage this year? Is it the same as last year, but more so?
The truth is that some classic styles are the same, and probably always will be. Other updated looks are on the rise, though. If you’re excited about looking your best in 2021, here are some tips and tricks to make this year the most glam one yet.
Bat those lashes.
After a year of staying in and wearing sweatpants, everyone is ready to be glam again, and what says glam more than luxurious lashes? Nothing, that’s what. The thing is, though, that we still don’t want to give up the comfort and convenience of sweats and yoga pants. Now you, too, can have the best of both worlds, with glam eyelashes that are magnetic. You read right—magnetic lashes.
If your natural lashes leave something to be desired, and you don’t want to deal with the glue that falsies usually come with, magnetic eyelashes are your solution. Simply put on magnetic eyeliner and stick the lashes on—that’s it. They’re so durable, you can enjoy a night out of feeling fabulous and bat them at every cute person you encounter without a worry.
A classic timepiece is a win every time.
Some things are classic for a reason, and one of those is a timepiece. A luxury watch, like a Rolex or a Tag Heuer, just says glamour and elegance. If you’re buying a men’s watch for the first time and want to understand the details of bezel, jewels, and leather straps, take a moment to research “men watch guide” online that will walk you through the ins and outs of buying the best accessories for your personal style. A classy permanent bracelet or timepiece is more than a regular wristwatch, so you want to be sure you’re buying one that’s worth the hefty price tag.
Go for bold prints and chunky accessories.
Don’t you want to shout from the rooftops that you can go out again? Well, actually shouting from the rooftops may not be the best idea, you can do the equivalent by opting for bold prints, chunky accessories, and flashy jewels. Make sure that everyone is looking at you as you walk down the street. The very best way to do this is to be the wearer of an outfit that no one can ignore.
Simplicity and comfort are in.
As mentioned above, we still aren’t quite ready to give up our yoga pants. The good news is that you don’t have to! Use athleisure to your benefit, and enjoy being out, looking gorgeous, and being ready for any type of movement that comes your way. Of course, the aesthetics of yoga pants with a Rolex or lash extensions is probably not the most casual look, so save those other tips for when you pioneer a night on the town. Wear your athleisure during your day-to-day activities. Even better? These looks also come in top-notch bold prints, so you can stand out from the crowd while feeling comfy at the same time.
This new year brings with it many opportunities for readjustment into normal life, so don’t be afraid to have some fun with style in 2021. Buying a classic high-end watch or easy-to-wear lashes will make you feel fab, and athleisure will have you feeling comfy. In the end, it’s the best of both worlds.