Dating apps are the new way to meet people and are hugely popular at the moment. They cut out the chance aspect of simply hoping you’ll meet someone special if you hang around in the right places and instead, bring single people together and allow you to search for exactly what you want whilst also being able to tailor how you appear yourself. There are plenty of well-known specially designed dating apps, however Instagram, designed for socialising and widely used for marketing, is slowly becoming a surprise favourite in the dating app industry. Here’s why…
Unlike the constructed, unnatural nature of creating a dating profile, posting regularly on Instagram gives potential dates a more realistic impression of you. You can post real-time photos and videos to show the kinds of thing you enjoy doing, what your friends are like, your hobbies and so on. There is also potential with this to show a creative side if you have one, with a choice of different profile themes. Instagram has loads of features to make the most of, for example you can now add media to your ‘story’ to create a slideshow that only lasts 24 hours, and you can see who has watched it. This is handy when it comes to picking up on who might be interested in your romantically.
Highlights are another feature and they allow you to choose parts of your stories to place permanently on your profile in order to build up a picture of yourself for those who are browsing it. Captions and text posts allow you to express yourself through a different medium, for example sharing a famous quote can say more about you than a photo. Instagram shows people who follow you, when you have liked a post that they can see, so that they can get a picture of the kind of posts you interact with and therefore the kind of person you are. And finally, you could always use an instagram auto like bot if you want to appear to have more popular posts.
So now that you have a profile that you feel adequately reflects the true you, anyone whom you may suit will hopefully be able to discover you, but it’s also important to take a proactive approach to trying to find profiles you enjoy too. But what can you do once you have? First of all, showing appreciation towards their posts will attract their attention but don’t go overboard. Comments are another way to interact with them and could result in striking up a conversation. Once you feel that there is mutual interest, you could then request to follow them and hopefully it will be returned. If you find yourselves interacting a lot, you could message them directly on the app and depending on the tone of the conversation, ask them out on a date.
Instagram provides a more authentic experience when it comes to connecting with people online; you can use the features to create a multi-dimensional impression of yourself and you can find out a lot about someone from their profile. Instagram allows you to make contact with them gradually too. For more news on the latest online trends, take a look at