It started out as a way for smokers to break their addiction to cigarettes but now vaping has become something far more. It has become its own curious culture. As we wrote in an earlier post:
“No longer an alternative to traditional smoking, a true ‘vaper’ will attend the festivals (yes there’s over three alone in the UK), visit ‘vaping’ Cafes for more than a coffee, and take part in cloud chasing competitions that will see them create huge clouds of smoke rivalling even the smoke skills of Gandalf.”
If you’re interested in entering the world of vaping, one of the most important steps is to figure out what flavor of “juice” you’re going to use. You don’t necessarily have to commit to a single flavor, but the last thing you want is to be constantly inhaling a taste you hate.
So which flavors are best? There are as many options as there are vapers and finding the right flavors is going to depend as much on your personal taste profile as anything else. We love the mint menthol tobacco e-juice called Solo, which is offered by Black Note. It’s made from natural mint extract and Virginia tobacco.
Another incredibly popular flavor is Adagio. Cuban tobacco aficionados will love this option because it has the same spicy and smoky notes of the Havana cigars that we all love but without the health risks.
If you’d rather get away from the popular “smoker” flavors, don’t worry. There are products out there for you too.
People who like sweeter flavors have flocked to the graham cracker flavor that many brands have developed. We like this because in addition to liking the taste, we love the smell. Or, if you’re more of a sugary candy fan, you might opt for one of the breakfast cereal or fruit candy flavors. We even found one called Lemon Meringue Pie! And if your sweet truth runs deep, make sure you try Smurf Cake. It’s a blue raspberry and cheesecake flavor (which sounds terrible but is pretty tasty).
If you’re a caffeine junkie, there are quite a few coffee and espresso flavored blends out there. Some brands even promise a caffeine infused vape liquid, but as far as we know the science is out on this being actually possible. Even if it’s not, the placebo effect might be worth the trial!
Of course, there is more to finding a great vape flavor than simply going by flavor notes or taste profiles. Many other factors figure into the overall vape flavor experience. Here are some details to consider during your sampling.
The manufacturer/vendor of the e-juice is also important. Like with anything else you put in your body, you want to find a vendor or manufacturer that uses natural methods of creating their e-juices. You don’t want something laden with a bunch of superfluous chemicals–if you did, you’d still be smoking regular cigarettes!
The type of nicotine the maker uses is also important. Only vape e-juices that are made with USP-grade PG/VG and/or lab grade nicotine. The USP is the official safety advisory committee that makes sure that prescription and over the counter medicines are safe to take. If an e-juice uses a lesser grade nicotine, stay away! You don’t know what’s in there!
If you want a strong flavor with a good kick to your throat, you’ll want to opt for PG e-juice. PG doesn’t produce as much actual vapor but you’ll get a stronger flavor and you won’t have to worry about as much build up. If you don’t mind a slightly muddled flavor and dealing with a little more gunk in your equipment, opt for VG. VG e-juice is made from 100% natural vegetable and other plant oils.
No matter who you are or what your preferred flavor profile might be, there is an e-juice out there for you. You might have to search around for a bit before you find the brand and flavors best suited to you personally. If you keep at it, though, you’ll eventually find the right juice for you. And then you’ll be ready to head to your first vaping convention!
That’s right. You might scoff now, but we both know that, deep down, you totally want to wander a vaping vendor hall. Who wouldn’t? Think of all of the free samples you can try and new friends you can make!