CBD oil, and its potential to help those with chronic pain and other conditions, has been much discussed over the last couple of years as a potential solution to some of the most widespread health issues faced by people in Britain. The compound’s progress towards widespread acceptance has been slow, due to prevailing attitudes changing slowly over recent years, and it has not been made clear to everyone in the United Kingdom exactly what CBD is. Read on for our guide to everything you need to know about this compound and its medical uses, and the many ways it is currently being put to use to help people. If you’re wanting to learn even more, check out LA Weekly for an in-depth review of some of the key differences between the different Delta THC compounds.
CBD, THC, Hemp – know your definitions
CBD is short for Cannabidiol, which is one of over seventy Cannabinoids that occur naturally in the Cannabis plant. It is interesting for containing a low level of the chemical compound Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, the chemical which gets you high. In the UK and EU CBD products are made using hemp, a term which here means any strain of Cannabis with less than 0.3% THC.

The government is concerned about THC as a chemical that can negatively affect long-term mental health in many people. Marijuana sold illegally in Britain today tends to come from strains cultivated for high THC content, often as high as 14.2% in the case of Skunk, which studies suggest dominated 90% of the illegal market in 2018.
These products will also have a very low CBD level, which means they do not balance out the effect of the THC. The difference between 0.3% and 14.2% is in fact nearly a fiftyfold increase in concentration. Modern illegal strains have often been linked to psychosis and the development of other mental health disorders, as well as an increase in anxiety and depression.
So, what are the benefits of CBD?
CBD containing THC, albeit a much lower count than illegal strains, can have the result of relieving sufferers of chronic pain, anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder – and with incredible convenience and effectiveness. However, for legal reasons, this needs to be manufactured as a food supplement or as an e-liquid for vaping. Many companies such as VSAVI are focused on offering safe, legal products for people in the United Kingdom who would benefit from CBD.
How versatile is this product?
As the point above shows, CBD is available as a food supplement or as an e-liquid for vaping. These allow for flexibility in incorporating it into daily life. Users are cautioned that if they work in careers where frequent drug testing is standard practice and require CBD products, then it is best to buy the weakest range of products to avoid misunderstandings.
Does CBD oil have a future in the National Health Service?
There are not currently any signs that the NHS will legalize cannabis for use beyond a very specific set of conditions for which it is useful. These include the drug Epidyolex, which has performed effectively in reducing seizures in children with specific conditions by 40%.