Dirt is pervasive. The outdoor surfaces that you have cleaned today may be filled with dirt in just a matter of hours. Dust can be carried by air and can rest on different outdoor or indoor surfaces. Dirt is also an ideal home for harmful pathogens such as bacteria, moulds, and viruses. People who touch different surfaces are also contributing to the build-up by transferring part of the dirt from their hands to the surfaces that they touch. With the current COVID-19 outbreak, it has become necessary for people to watch where they are putting their hands to prevent getting infected. It has also become a necessity to carry Hand sanitisers at all times.
COVID-19 is a viral infection that is spread through the dispersal of large droplets. Virus-laden droplets can be on any surfaces. Therefore, people need to practice proper hand hygiene, especially when going out in public places. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention worldwide have recommended regular hand washing as one of the best ways to remove harmful pathogens from your hand. Washing your hands with warm running water can remove dirt particles that have stuck on your hands and other skin surfaces. Simultaneously, the antimicrobial ingredients of the soap will kill and eliminate the harmful germs and pathogens.

Hand Sanitisers
Hand sanitisers are antiseptic products that can temporarily clean away dirt and kill harmful microorganisms from a personβs hands and other skin surfaces. It is essential to take note however, that hand sanitisers should not be considered as a replacement for thorough hand washing. Instead, hand sanitisers can give some of the benefits of hand washing when running water and soap are not available.
How to Choose the Perfect Hand Sanitiser
Hand sanitisers have been established to kill pathogens such as bacteria and viruses to some extent. However, there are many hand sanitisers out in the market today, so choosing the perfect hand sanitiser for your needs can be challenging. Here are the things to consider when purchasing hand sanitisers.
- Form
Hand sanitisers are commonly available in liquid form, gel, or wipes. Liquid and gel sanitisers are applied to the hands or skin surfaces and are rubbed until the product completely dries out or evaporates. Wipes are a form of hand sanitisers but have fabric that is soaked with antiseptic, which are used to wipe away stain from hands.
- Alcohol or Alcohol-Free
When choosing hand sanitisers, you should also consider their main active ingredients. Alcohol-based sanitisers have at least 60 per cent alcohol, either ethyl or isopropyl. On the other hand, they have natural ingredients such as thyme, lavender, or bitter oranges, which also claim to have antimicrobial properties.
Alcohol-based Hand sanitisers have a lot of studies that show their effectiveness in eliminating bacteria and viruses. The chemical properties of alcohol enable it to break the protein envelope that protects the virus. However, alcohol can dry and irritate sensitive skin.
Alcohol-free sanitisers are much gentler on the skin. However, there are not enough studies that claim the effectiveness of natural ingredients in eliminating harmful pathogens.
- Added Ingredients
Alcohol quickly evaporates when in contact with the skin. Alcohol-based sanitisers may be more effective in killing microorganisms than alcohol-free ones; however, they do not leave any residue that can help protect your hands for a more extended period. Fortunately, several manufacturers add emollient ingredients to alcohol-based sanitisers to make them less irritating to the skin and leave residue for a more extended protection period.
It is best to put your health as your number one priority when choosing Hand sanitisers. Always check on the label to determine the ingredients inside your sanitisers.
Author Bio: Dean Shaw is a copywriter and content strategist. He helps businesses stop playing around with content marketing and start seeing the tangible ROI. He loves writing as much as he loves the cake.