During the last few years, sex has become more common, as the oppressive boundaries of the past have been broken down. Today sex is present in movies, video games, comic books, music videos, etc. This greatly influences people’s behavior and also influences their sex life. Nowadays drugs are perceived in a different way and many are encouraged to use them to increase their sexual pleasure. These trends call for more sex education to avoid teenage pregnancy, the spread of sexually transmitted diseases, and to avoid non-consensual sex. Poppers are very common in the UK and are known as Poppers UK
Here is a brief analysis of five drugs that people use to enhance their sexual performance.
Many people consume alcohol to encourage them to approach the person they like with the intention of having sex with him/her. They know that if they were sober they would not dare to interact with people, so they need to drink alcohol. Others drink alcohol to relax and encourage them to have sex in a freer way. If you rely too much on alcohol to have sex, then it can be incredibly difficult to have sex sober and show who you are.
The use of cannabis is increasingly used to improve sexual performance. Cannabis promises to free the individual from complexes, increases physical sensitivity, increases concentration during sexual intercourse, and orgasms last longer. The consumption of this powerful aphrodisiac could negatively influence the mental health of the consumer, which is why it is necessary to take precautions in this regard.
Ecstasy produces euphoria and disinhibition, which considerably increases desire. However, ecstasy has a negative influence on male sexual performance: difficulty in reaching orgasm and difficulty in maintaining an erection. If a woman takes ecstasy it will be more difficult for her to become aroused during sexual intercourse. In summary, ecstasy invites sex but hinders sexual performance in both men and women.
Poppers are recreational drugs intended to increase sexual pleasure. Poppers are mostly consumed by homosexual men to facilitate anal sex, as it avoids pain in that area. Other men also take poppers to become uninhibited, euphoric and to achieve more powerful orgasms. Poppers may cause tachycardia, dizziness, headaches, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. However, the LGBT community is calling for poppers to be legal to be used in private life.
Viagra is used by men to combat erectile dysfunction, as these pills increase blood flow to the penis, increasing sexual performance. This medicine is consumed under medical prescription, however, many men get access to Viagra without the corresponding permission. Many men take Viagra without needing it, just because they feel the need to have an amazing sexual performance.
The sexual freedom that Western society enjoys today encourages the consumption of alcohol, cannabis, ecstasy, poppers, and Viagra to enjoy more pleasurable sexuality. The key is to be aware of the risks and benefits of this behavior. It is also a good idea to consider other methods to improve sexual performance: psychotherapy and alternative therapies. The key is to enjoy our right to full sexuality knowing what we are doing.