With all the different activities individual family members take part it, it can be difficult to find time to spend together as a whole family. Kids participate in sports, dance class, music class, and other activities that allow them to socialize with friends, and other peers. Furthermore, adults have their own lives to attend to. Between spending time with friends, taking care of their children’s needs, and maybe even working extra hours, spending time as a family can be a pipe dream.
However, many families are finding that designating a day of the week for family, and avoiding scheduling activities on that day will help conserve some of that valuable time, so you can spend it with the people that matter most to you. Mondays can prove to be one of the best days to have quality family time.
Why Monday?
Spending time with family, is one of the most important parts of a person’s life. These are the people that are with you through thick and thin, no matter what. While Monday is just any other day to most of us, starting off the work week with family instead of running around helps can have some serious benefits.
By designating Monday for loved ones, you can start the week off on a good note. Spending time with these people spurs good moods, and the opportunity to discuss any problems one might be having, with their trusted family members. This gives the children a strong support system that they need to be happy, while allowing parents to know and understand what is going on in their kid’s lives. There is no better time to receive the benefits of a loving family than on a Monday, before the long week takes its toll on you.
Fun Being Active
One of the ways in which families enjoy being together, is by getting out and being active. This can be done in a multitude of ways. It could mean a sport that the whole family enjoys playing, or an activity that just allows you to spend time around these people. Some great examples of Monday afternoon activities could be a bike ride, a walk, hiking, or fishing. As long as the family is together it shouldn’t really matter what activity is chosen.
Finding time to be active with the family has other benefits, besides just spending time with the family. Being active together also helps raise the whole family’s health and wellness, as well as sets a good example for younger members about exercising and staying in shape. In addition, having to overcome any challenges that may arise can help bring everyone closer together. Finally, being active is scientifically proven to make people happier, because exercise releases endorphins in the brain, which is the chemical responsible for happiness.
Fun just being Together
While there are plenty of benefits to finding active things to do with family, there are also benefits to just hanging out and being together. Any time spent around those that love you, is time well spent. One such suggestion is to use technology to help bring the family closer together.
One great way technology can help, is simply by watching TV. Just watching TV together, allows people the opportunity to enjoy their family members as well as enjoy some great entertainment. This is especially true since the advent of digital and satellite television. While this may sound more expensive than a basic television package, there are great Direct TV deals in Massachusetts and all around the United States. These deals offer movies, sports, and other specialized programming that will make it impossible for your family to be bored.
Watching TV with family can help identify common interests, that are chiefly important to the upkeep of relationships. Another way technology can make family time more fun is thorough the use of video games. From baseball and tennis, to bowling and racing, and many more, video games provide plenty ample bonding opportunities.
Finally, families can use food to help bring each other close. Eating dinner together as a family, provides the same benefits as any other activity, and allows healthy eating and dinner socialization habits to be formed. In addition, cooking the meal together can give the family a sense of team work and help to bond them even closer. Overall, it doesn’t matter what you do, or what day you do it on. The key is finding time every week to enjoy those closest to you.