When we think of Canada, we often think of the picturesque cities of Montreal and Vancouver, as well as the endless miles of wide-open snowy tundra. But there’s more to Canada than meets the eye as shown by these amazing Canadian inventions that range from tech for tackling frozen terrain, to mobile casino entertainment, and even tools for space conquest!
Tackling the frozen north is key amongst the concerns of Canada’s inventors. And that’s why they’ve been pivotal in giving us the likes of the snowmobile, as well as the timely electric car heater to make our morning commutes a touch more pleasant.
In the sporting realm, it’s may be pretty obvious to say that Canada first came up with the sport of ice hockey, but did you realise that a Canadian man called Dr James Naismith invented basketball in Ontario in 1891?
It’s not just the big sporting games that Canada has brought us, because as well as bringing many families to the point of psychotherapy thanks to the introduction of Trivial Pursuit, the online site Lucky Nugget Casino have brought us mobile casino on the go in a move that parallels the burgeoning Vancouver casino scene.
Video gaming is something Canadians have shown an impressive ability to enjoy, which is perhaps why Namco Bandai and Capcom have relocated to Vancouver. And further technological breakthroughs have been made on Canadian soil with the introduction of the walkie-talkie, the pager and even the much-maligned Blackberry.
Beyond mobile technology, Canada has been key in giving the world a much more enjoyable cinematic experience thanks to key frame animation and the incredible IMAX movie format. And modern warfare has been made much more safer thanks to the invention of the gas mask, and it’s also become a good deal more precise with the Canadian invention of sonar that aids underwater exploration.
Canada’s also been giving a helping hand to space exploration thanks to the amusingly named Canadarm that has aided satellite repairs, moved cargo and even repositioned astronauts.
Back down on Earth, Canada’s come to the aid of our bellies with pioneering efforts in giving us peanut butter and the dubious delights of instant mash. And who can imagine life without the Canadian inventions of egg cartons and garbage bags, which goes to show that as well as mobile casino games and space innovation, Canada has provided the world with plenty of great day-to-day tech.