If you have limited mobility, a mobility scooter can help you regain your independence and get out and about.
A mobility scooter looks similar to a golf buggy, but it functions a bit more like a cross between a motor scooter and a motorised wheelchair. They usually have a maximum speed of 8mp on the road, although the speed limit for pavements is usually around 4mph.
There are many different mobility scooters available. However, all of them are battery-powered, have a bike-like steering which directs the wheels, simple controls, and large, upright seats.
For people who are still driving, a folding mobility scooter can be a great choice. Some scooters break down into as many as six different parts, and others fold up to make them easy to fit into the back of your car. This can make it much easier for people who are still relatively active, but drive between destinations and need help getting around once they arrive.
Mobility scooters are suitable for people who are limited in mobility but still want to get around and see friends and family members. They can give you independence and freedom if you would otherwise need to rely on other people to get around town, go to the doctor, or do your shopping.
These scooters are also very useful if your mobility is limited due to obesity, multiple sclerosis, or arthritis. They’re specifically designed for people who find it painful or tiring to walk short distances, don’t yet net a wheelchair, and need help with their mobility.
If you’re unable to drive a car due to perceptual awareness, hearing, or sight difficulties, you won’t be able to drive a mobility scooter safely. You also won’t be able to take the scooter on very long journeys since they have aa limited speed and the batteries can only power the scooter for a limited time (usually a few hours).
Mobility scooters are usually a cheaper option compared to electric wheelchairs, and are easy to operate. You won’t need a license to drive one, and they require much less upper-body strength compared to manual wheelchairs.
If you’re thinking about getting a mobility scooter, you may want to shop around. You’ll need to think about the type of scooter you need based on how often you go out, whether you drive, and if you want to be able to take it with you while driving.
Spend some time comparing different models, read some reviews, and see if you can take some for a test drive. Take your time selecting your scooter, and you’ll likely find that it will greatly change your life.